Bevl's Blog

Welcome to my website! This website was hand coded by yours truly with the goal of creating a place for me to present writings, musings, self-indulgent philosophy, photos, book reviews, and more.

About the site

I am a sucker for simplicity. I stumbled upon this fantastic post by Mike Grindle when I was researching how to build my site, and I mirror many of his sentiments.

I have always found simple, text-heavy sites charming. Perhaps it's the sense of nostalgia they evoke for text based video game guides full of ASCII art and creative formatting I would read when I was younger. Perhaps it's the efficacy at which they can deliver information, which is the reason I migrated all of my university notes into simple Markdown documents. Even more likely is I am just trying to cope with my complete lack of aesthetic talent, a skillset which seems to have been inherited entirely by my sibling. Regardless the reason, having my own website built in such a manner makes me incredibly happy, and I hope you enjoy it as well.